Friday, December 28, 2012

Creative Strategy in The Marketing Mix : Strategy & Tactics

Think of strategy development as a picking a destination, such as “I want to go to Cleveland”. The strategy is to make the trip. The tactics are how you get there. If I drive, which roads should I take? Should I fly? If so, which airlines have the best rates? Where will I stay? How long will I be there? You need to ask these and a bunch of other questions that deal with the specific actions you must take to get to Cleveland and back.

Another analogy comes from the military: Strategies deal with achieving objectives, like capturing a city. Tactics are the means used to achieve strategies, such as using a combination of close air support, flanking maneuvers from infantry, frontal assaults by tanks, and constant artillery bombardment.

Strategy often deals in long term solutions, such as building brand share. Strategy is concerned with continuity, growth and return of investment. Strategies are very specific and almost always measurable. Tactics are all about getting results quickly and effectively.

-Advertising Strategy-   

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